i’m an artist of ashkenazi jewish decent living in tkaronto, now known as toronto. the land i live on, and the people whose territories i live on, continue to experience colonization, violence, and displacement.

my family history is rooted in violence and displacement. this lens has taught me that i have to work for the liberation of all people and relations, even as i do it imperfectly. as a kid, i couldn’t understand how israel could be perpetuating some of the very harms that jews know too well. now that i’m older, i understand these complex relationships more deeply, and reject zionism with more clarity.

i deeply appreciate the work that many local organizations are committed to as they call for a ceasefire and an end to militarism, including surj toronto, independent jewish voices canada, and world beyond war. All of these organizations have resources for different ways to take action, as we each find the ways in which we can help in this moment.

I make performances that use collaboration to practice different ways of being together.

Here’s a video document of The Haunting, a participatory performance for one audience member at a time. The performance enjoyed a sold out run as part of Tarragon Theatre’s 2024 Greenhouse Festival.